My Sponsor Items Bonnie
Hair - truth
Head / Kopf – CATWA - Catya
Skin / Haut –7 Deadly s[K]ins - DONNA darks
LOCATION +Homedeco
USDesigns Ocean Office Desk Set 1.0.1→Marketplace→Mainstore
Foxcity/Sim "Zuflucht der Sinne"→teleport
my Home
USDesigns Ocean Office Desk Set 1.0.1→Marketplace→Mainstore
- A Lamp with a realistic light system (land impact 3)
- A Laptop with media enabled on its screen and open/close script (land impact 2)A Phone (land impact 1)A Cell Phone (land impact 1)A Documents Organizer (land impact 3)A Desk Pad (land impact 3)A Calendar ( land impact 2)A Plant (land impact)
Foxcity/Sim "Zuflucht der Sinne"→teleport
my Home